New member for Queensway Mark Lodge 1331
On Friday 10th February 2017, Queensway Mark Lodge held an emergency meeting at Prescot Masonic Hall to advance a new brother, who it turned out is a member of the infamous group of Masonic masons known as the “Widows Sons”.
The candidate Bro Paul Gerrard is standing to the right of the Worshipful Master W. Bro Graham Runacus and is well known in the Prescot and St Helens group of lodges.
He was advanced in truly magnificent style with RW Bro Peter Connolly acting as Senior Deacon and APGM Michael Clarke as Junior Deacon who also delivered the explanation of the working tools.
The signs of the degree were explained by W. Bro David Richards.
With it being a Friday the brethren sat down to a festive board meal of traditional fish, chips and mushy peas accompanied by bread and butter.
At the festive board Brother Paul was presented with the Provincial tie and a ritual book.
Words and pictures by Dave Richards